Muscle Man Kong tuoyok The Hulk
Brazil: muscular male interns risk life anointed by Dai muscles such as The Hulk characters in the Hollywood movie The Avenger. Sources said that Mr Romario, 25, injected substance called synthol,
a substance composed of oil painkillers and alcohol into the hands of him after he wanted muscle mass, such as his friend, who he had known in the gym last 2 years ago. Later, Romario also addicted to inject oil, and he has continued to pour out until making his hand hardening like stone but later oil in his hands muscles bubble malfunction that almost makes the danger the lives of his as well.
Romario says he has stopped using substances synthol oil for the past 2 years. He told that he does not want others such risk because too addicted to muscle himself almost died, and it is not what to do such a thing. He mentioned that he was really sorry that poured oil into his hand, but is still willing to work hard Poly normal practice to be able to become a professional bodybuilding and will not use oil. However, his bizarre muscular young Romario was in his favorite city and said that, like The Hulk character, and they came and took hold and take photos with Romairo.
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